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Nice Cote d Azur Leeds Bradford International
s Kts
r Nm
t Kts
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Datos de avión
Year of make 2011
Longitud Aviones : h 33' 2
Ancho de cabina 7' 8
Fabricante> Dassault
Volumen el equipaje 127

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Private Cargo Charter

Private Cargo Charter   There are many options for transporting your cargo on the market, but few offer the flexibility, speed, and safety of private cargo charter. Would you trust a standard shipping company with gold, diamonds, or organs for transplant? We certainly wouldn’t, there are always price advantages of shipping cargo through the traditional routes, but when your cargo is special, you should make special arrangements for it to be at it’s destination on time, and unharmed. has 30 years of experience in the field of chartered cargo. Cargo aircraft are always at the ready, capable of holding anything from lab samples to vehicles in a modified 747 capable of holding 124 tons of various cargo. Smaller cargo-modified aircraft allow you to move your cargo with only hours of notice, these small cargo aircraft can easily carry 2 tons of your cargo, and can depart immediately. Your valuable cargo is cared for by highly trained engineers, who recognize the true value of your cargo, and will transport everything as safely as possible without a single scratch. insures your cargo for the maximum value in the rare case of a mishap. Private cargo charter is the preferred mode of transportation for precious or fragile cargo. The most common of which includes: Laboratory samples Organs for transplant Rare earth metals/Precious metals Drilling equipment or large machines Vehicles While it’s true that private cargo charter can be pricy, the actual advantage of transporting cargo on a private aircraft is convenience and efficiency. For instance, you can choose to ship your cargo out of any airport you’d like as long as the runway is sufficient for your aircraft, and as long as there are no restrictions. This is a perfect substitute for

Entertainment Industry Charter

Entertainment Industry Charter Since 1996, has provided online private jet charter booking services to a wide array of customers, including the entertainment industry, business and leisure travelers, sports teams and corporations worldwide. Through AirCharter’s online booking system, travelers can get quick quotes and book domestic and international travel on over 2,200 aircraft, including jets and turboprops. As a leader in the entertainment industry, with 5 international offices, AirCharter has served on demand charter solutions for various world renowned bands and solo artists for shows, festivals and even world tours. Our VIP on demand charter specialists work closely with tour managers, booking agents, and production companies along with their travel agents to conjointly organize complex flight itineraries and ensure the safety and security of our clients in compliance with their respective requests. In addition to meticulous and on-par flight scheduling, AirCharter offers exterior aircraft branding for tours or single charters targeted by media to turn your chartered aircraft into your own Flying Billboard. AirCharter is able to provide the following charter solutions: • Helicopters and executive jets for the main party • Regional Jets and Airliners for the support crew • Cargo aircraft for stage and backline equipment • Limousines, trucking, customs clearance and more also works with movie studios, production companies and publicity agencies on high profile projects, involving one or more executive jets or coordinating multiple aircraft around the world simultaneously. The entertainment industry has become a very time-sensitive industry when it comes to organizing private travel for artists, crews, and equipment. Managing multiple live gigs across the globe, air charter has the capability to take action and organize the entirety of your transportation needs, with thousands of large jets on standby to move

Charter flights to Hawaii

Charter flights to Hawaii   Now that summer traffic has almost dissipated entirely, it’s time to find charter flights to Hawaii. Now keep in mind, many other tropical locations would probably offer a cost benefit over flying private to Hawaii. Cancun is a much closer flight for anyone on the east coast, but Hawaii has its own charm. Maui, one of the most beloved of all the Hawaiian Islands, lives up to its superlatives with exotic beaches (like Kaihalulu), palatial resorts (like the Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea) and lush terrain (as seen in the Iao Valley State Park). Now the question on everyones minds is price, Hawaii won’t be cheap, here’s some comparison for private travel fees from the Northeastern/Southeastern US to Hawaii and Cancun. The following are estimates for 6 passengers, one way flight. New york -> Cancun - $16,437.00 (mid Jet) New York -> Hawaii - $56,497.00 (Mid Jet) California -> Cancun - $30,627.00 (Mid Jet) California-> Hawaii - $37,800.00 (Mid Jet)   Flights to Hawaii will have to almost always be flown in a large (heavy) jet if one does not want a fuel stop, most capable of seating 12-18 people, so for a larger group (14+) the price per passenger drops dramatically. Both available airports are in Maui, and our preference is always to land at a business/executive airport, in this case Kapalua Airport. Kahului Airport (IATA: OGG, ICAO: PHOG) is a regional airport in the State of Hawaii, located 3 miles (5 km) east of Kahului, Hawaii on the island of Maui near Haleakala. The Honolulu-Kahului corridor is one of the busiest air routes in the USA, ranking 13th with 1,632,000 passengers. Kapalua Airport (IATA: JHM, ICAO: PHJH), also called Kapalua West Maui Airport, is a regional airport

What is Private Jet Charter?

What is Private Jet Charter? Many have asked, what is private jet charter? What does air charter entail? Air charter is easy enough to explain; Air charter or private jet charter is the business of renting an entire aircraft (i.e., chartering) as opposed to individual aircraft seats (i.e., purchasing a ticket through a traditional airline). While the airlines specialize in selling transportation by the seat, air charter companies focus on individual private aircraft and itineraries, urgent or time-sensitive cargo, air ambulance and any other form of ad hoc air transportation. These air charter companies offer a large variety of aircraft, such as helicopters and business jets. Charter jet categories include turbo props, light jets, mid-size jets, super mid size jets, heavy jets, and airliners. Now that we know that chartering means renting the entire aircraft, we can go through what is included in charter. Lots of confusion can arise about what is included in charter. Upon booking a private jet, you will have the jet for the entire duration of your trip. This means air time of course, if you fly to Cancun for a month, it is very unlikely that the jet will wait at the airport for the entire month. But it will be available to you at the requested time of return. FBO services are included, FBOs are essentially privately owned terminals, made to cater to VIP clientele. FBO services Two pilots are always included for every trip, no matter how small, even a short distance 1 passenger trip will have two wyvern/argus approved pilots. All fuel fees are included in your price, along with onboard catering. Catering for very short trips will have snacks and beverages, but offers meals for longer trips. All

Precios de Jet Privado

Jet Privado Mucha gente se pregunta cuáles son los costos de poseer o alquilar un jet privado. Muy pocas personas se dan cuenta de que el costo de propiedad de un jet privado no es sólo un pago único, sino un desafío. Los gastos de conservación, estacionamiento, registro, costos de combustibles, costos de rehabilitación, y por supuesto el mantenimiento mecánico pueden ser valorados en cientos de miles de dólares al año, y pueden acumularse rápidamente. A continuación vamos a explicar una serie de escenarios diferentes, dando ejemplos del mundo real de los tres precios diferentes de jets privados. En primer lugar, echemos un vistazo a un lear jet 40 A la luz conocida por su gama, un gran chorro de poseer. El Lear 40 normalmente está configurado para 7 u 8 pasajeros y es muy cómodo para viajar, y es conocido por ser muy estable mecánicamente. Muchos prefieren el 35A lear pero el lear 35 ha sido descontinuado desde hace 10 años, la compra de un nuevo avión ya no es posible. Un nuevo Learjet 40 cuesta aproximadamente $ 9,5 millones. Donde como el alquiler de un costo aproximado de $ 2.900 por hora de alquilar. Vamos a eliminar el costo del combustible, debido a que un propietario privado tendría que pagar por el combustible. Combustible trata de aproximadamente 700 dólares la hora, dejándonos con un costo de $ 2200 una hora. Un cálculo plana nos dice si uno fuera a volar más de 4.318 horas, la compra del Learjet 40 sería una mejor opción. Pero, siendo realistas, incluso entonces, un viajero frecuente con un promedio de dos horas de vuelo por día, todos los días, significaría la acumulación de esas horas de vuelo tomaría

Private Golf Charter

Private Golf Charter   Looking to fly to Pine valley or Royal County down for your next golf trip? Private golf charter can be arranged for you at a moments notice. You can fly to any of the worlds most popular or most obscure golf courses in ultimate luxury. Why settle for first class when you and a group of 7 friends can fly for the same figure as flying first class. Private golf charter means flying in the most comfortable aircraft possible, with a fully trained in VIP crew, the most amazing catering, and speed unrivaled by any other form of transportation. Waiting times for commercial aircraft can take hours whereas the waiting time to get on board your chartered aircraft can be only a matter of minutes. Being able to remove hours from the total length of your trip means that it is not necessary for you to get to the airport as early as you would as a first-class traveler and leaves you more time to enjoy your golfing and less time standing at the airport, when it comers to golfing at the best locations, private golf charter is the way to go. The risks of transporting your favorite golf bag through any form of commercial transportation can put your valuables at risk, it is a hassle to transport your valuables as a carry-on, and it would suffer horrible risks in the cargo compartment, which tends to be depressurized and very cold. You would be able to carry all of your golf bags in the cabin if needed, and if there is a lack of space, private jets luckily have pressurized, sealed cargo areas. Let’s evaluate the price to fly from your

Transporte de Trasplante de Órganos

Transporte de Trasplante de Órganos La naturaleza inmediata de transporte trasplante de órganos es cada vez más difícil sin el uso de alquiler de jet privado o en transporte privado en helicóptero. Se recomienda que los órganos vitales como el corazón deben ser trasplantados dentro de las cuatro horas de la extracción del donante. Alquiler de jet privado para ambulancia aérea no sólo se utiliza para el transporte de los propios órganos, pero para el transporte de los médicos hacia y desde lugares críticos. Casos como el de estas situaciones altamente sensible de tiempo, incluyendo el transporte de heridos, son ayudados en gran medida por la naturaleza en la demanda de alquiler de jet privado. Durante muchos años consecutivos, ha demostrado servicios fiables y rápidos en las situaciones más exigentes y complejas que nos han permitido ganar la confianza de miles de clientes. es el proveedor líder en charter para las industrias que requieren de tiempo a su vez inmediata y manejo especializado. Tiempo entregas sensibles de transporte tales como éstos son casi imposibles de transportar simplemente mediante la entrega de tierra. Las variables causadas por el tráfico potencial pueden causar la pérdida de vidas en estas circunstancias extremas en las que el órgano en cuestión no puede alcanzar su destino previsto a tiempo. No hay casi ninguna razón para transportar jamás un órgano por transporte terrestre a menos que la distancia es de menos de 100 millas. En cuanto a los aviones comerciales que transportan estos órganos a través de los viajes comerciales, el tiempo perdido en el transporte y los tiempos de espera en total puede ser superior a cuatro horas, lo que haría demasiado tarde para que el órgano a