Our Aviation Software is an Integrated Aviation Solution
Companies are typically data rich and information poor.
Aviation Software eCharterConnect is a full transaction and tracking system.
The front end, web based, quoting and booking engine allows customers to submit requests and receive pricing via the internet. Real-time integration of fleet availability permits the dynamic pricing and sale of fleet inventory, including empty-legs. An Optimization Engine looks at operator’s world-wide fleet and determines the most cost effective Aircraft to fulfill specific Trip Requests. Workflow processes allow you to manage the fulfillment of the transaction. CRM provides interaction with the customer, offering a host of analysis tools for better customer experience and marketing.
Aviation Software On-Line Customer Experience.
- Online, real-time private aircraft reservations system that is as easy to use as traditional on-line commercial reservation systems
- Instant price generation by aircraft type
- Intelligent engine that incorporates all aircraft and incidental costs as well as regulatory requirements into its pricing calculations
- Airport selections from commercial and non-commercial airfields
- Booking Engine Tip wizard, to assist your customers in their Aircraft and Airport selection
- Up-to-date prices, operating specifications and aircraft locations
- On-line Airport maps and descriptive information
- Easy reservations process and tracking for charter travel professionals
- Self contained web enabled system integrates easily with travel systems and websites
Aviation Software Customer Relations and Transactions Processing
- Complete supply chain management system matching customer needs with availability derived from a fleet of nearly 12,800 aircraft
- Real- time tracking of Customer activity and usage
- Internet Marketing analysis is fully integrated allowing you to pinpoint Customer Acquisition costs and profitability
- FBO selection, passenger manifests, formatted conformations, allows your customer to instantly receive information in a professional fashion
- Plane Locator provides you with optimized fulfillment options based on real cost implications, resulting in reduced costs and higher profitability
- Substantial access to data allowing you to better understand the activity and financial implications
Web Booking Engine – sophisticated web enabled booking engine to provide complete trip quoting for your customers.
Aviation Software Booking Interface – The Booking Interface allows customers to view aircraft, create trip itineraries, view quotes and submit their trip requests directly to you. The aircraft that are quoted and displayed can either be your own fleet, or a combination of yours and other operators that you select. It can also be presented as a virtual fleet allowing you to provide an average price for a single aircraft type rather than pricing for individual tails. The pricing for the virtual fleet can be determined through radius searches as well as hi/low averages which allows you to price trips based on the actual retail prices for a specific region. The product provides an update listing of the retail and wholesale rates of nearly 12,800 aircraft in the world.
Air Charter Mobile App
The mobile app available on Android, iOS and Microsoft running of our Aviation Software. For the first time in the US a system will allow users to view what is normally held confidential by brokers on the web and on their mobile app. In all transparence view the complete operator information along with the tail number and aircraft data for as little as $4 per record, customers can view it all including cost of block hour rates as well as aircraft specifications, insurance, safety rating, up-to-date interior and exterior aircraft photos.
AirCharter Credits will unlock a tail data indefinitely for viewing. With the provided data the user will be able to contact aircraft operators directly, avoiding what can cost thousands of dollars in broker commissions traditionally. No annual membership fees are required. AirCharter.com’s mobile appallows you to search for and book private jet flights conveniently from your device in real time. Looking for empty legs? AirCharter.com’s official mobile app allows you to search through thousands of empty legs, updated in real-time. Using AirCharter.com’s 12 800 plus accredited list of verified aircraft worldwide, you can book a flight on any private aircraft, ranging from pistons to full sized airliners. Unlike other apps that limit you to a max of 19 passengers AirCharter.com has no limit.
Users using this new mobile app can get instant quotes with near flawless accuracy, giving customers an exact figure expected to pay for the trip. With a few taps of their fingers customers can view the cost of each leg, the cost of repositioning and the ability to change the departure airport to the home base of the aircraft, saving thousands of dollars. For a limited time, AirCharter is offering a 10 Aircharter Credits for free to all verified registered users who create an account on the AirCharter.com mobile app or website.
Click here for more on the mobile App.
Aviation Software for the Charter Operator Benefits
Extremely attractive and engaging Web Based Booking Engine
- Can price own fleet inventory only or integrate with other operator fleets
- On-line maps of airports
- Customer Relationship Management provides numerous functions that support interaction with your customer
- Virtual Global Office allows you to access your information from anywhere in the world
- It’s free for operators to list their fleet on our system Click Here to start.
Aviation Software for the Charter Broker Benefits
Extremely attractive and engaging Web Based Booking Engine
- Provides up- to- date pricing for nearly 12,800 aircraft in North America
- Workflow tracks flows and presents to clearly mark workflow status, ensuring that all steps in the process are completed satisfactorily and that no actions have been missed
- Virtual Global Office allows you to access your information from anywhere in the world
- Customer Relationship Management provides numerous functions that support interaction with your customer
- On-line maps of airports
- Rest API for Mobile Apps
Web Booking Engine – sophisticated web enabled booking engine to provide complete trip quoting for your customers.
Aviation Software Customer Confirmations – Aviation Software eCharterConnect produces elegant Customer Confirmations (as well as Operator Confirmations for Brokered Trips) that clearly display the itinerary and logistical information. These confirmations can be emailed directly from Aviation Software eCharterConnect or printed and faxed. Sending and receiving of Customer and Operator Confirmations is part of the Workflow process and therefore is an active part of the audit trail.
Tip Wizard – Aviation Software eCharterConnect provides a Tip Wizard to assist your customers with their trip requests. One example is that the system can automatically calculate the cost of a Pilot Switch-out (due to going over Duty Time) at the time of booking and include it in your quote. The Tip Wizard advises your customer that changing the times might have impact on the price displayed and encourages them to contact you via the phone. Additionally, even though Aviation Software eCharterConnect can price a trip from anywhere in North America to anywhere else in the world, there are times that requests can not be priced. This might be due to trip requests for 121 trips, foreign only trips and trips where there is no inventory available. Instead of turning the customer away the system presents the customer with an option to just submit the information. This allows you to review and determine if there is additional availability or to price the trip request off line for Foreign and 121 trips.
Highly Customizable – Whether you want to price Trips based on your own aircraft inventory or provide broker services and price it on the entire North American Fleet, Aviation Software eCharterConnect is instantly configurable to make that happen. Its look and feel, business rules and interaction with your customers can be changed on the fly based on your requirements.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – Aviation Software eCharterConnect manages and tracks vital prospect and customer information. All account activity is tracked and logged and easily accessible. All trip activity that is generated by Customers is tracked, stored and analyzable.
My Trips – Customers have online access to their own itinerary and trip history showing information on all of their activity. Update information on their Trip and the information is instantly available to the customer in their own private area.
Sales Opportunities – Customers visit your website and decide to leave in the middle of building a trip. Or sometimes they save a Trip for later use. All of this information is immediately and easily available to you. Scan Trips that were browsed but never submitted, or trips that were saved and you now have new sales opportunities that can be followed up on.
Marketing Analysis – Aviation Software eCharterConnect allows you to identify specific marketing efforts and their resulting financial impact. E-mail broadcasts, Internet Advertising or Printed Advertising results are tracked within Aviation Software eCharterConnect along with the associated cost and number of respondents. Capturing critical marketing data and its measurement against results can allow management to determine whether marketing efforts are creating their projected bottom-line results. Additionally, the referring page for any Customer Account created is tracked allowing you to immediately see the path the Account traveled to find your website.
The system inclues a dashboard that allows you to see in realtime the traffic to your site and mobile devices. It shows how many web, a mobile devices have been created. It also shows you in real time traffic and request mad by device, IP or User name. The system as security interceptors tp block competitors from scrapping data from the application and security setting to auto disable abuse coming from any account based on rules you set.
Aviation Software Plane Locator and Fulfillment – To achieve greater efficiencies and cost reductions in the selection of an aircraft, Aviation Software eCharterConnect provides facilities to help automate the selection process of Trip Fulfillment. The routing and pricing engine quickly analyzes the cost of fulfillment for all available options including the use of deadheads, and the chaining of multiple customer trips into one continuous aircraft trip. Once the Plane Locator has completed its on-line selection and optimization process, it displays those aircraft that will best accommodate the customer’s request, while assuring your organization the highest level of profitability.
Aviation Software Plane Locator – Aviation Software eCharterConnect includes a sophisticated routing and pricing engine. Routing takes into consideration common aircraft specs such as speed, range, and runway requirements but also considers other requirements such as winds, routing to fuel-stops, fuel availability, cabotage, and pilot duty time. Pricing considerations include: costs particular to a tail such as live andpositioning block hour rates, attendant rates, daily minimums, discounts, RON, pilot standby charges, pilots witch out costs, as well as taxes and fees. Both routing and pricing are built on an extensible rules-based system, which accommodates the complexity of the general aviation industry. This routing and pricing engine is fully integrated into the web booking engine, providing for real-time accurate quoting. Each time a trip is requested or sold within your organization the Plane Locator accesses nearly 12,800 aircraft to analyze the cost of the trip to you and presents the top 80 choices for your review and selection. Automated processes allow you to simply notify other operators for firm quotes on the use of their aircraft to fulfill tour trip. And of course all of the information is tracked and organized so that any one in the organization can review the information from anywhere in the world.
Aviation Software One – Ways and Aircraft Availability – Aviation Software eCharterConnect automatically tracks availability of fleet and one-way activity generated within the system. It also accommodates the manual entry of third party availability and one-way information, and can accommodate imports from existing flight operations systems. This information is used to help you select from the numerous opportunities that come available allowing you to maximize your profitability for each of your trips.
Workflow – Aviation Software eCharterConnect has organized a charter aviation organization’s business logic and policy into business rules and workflows, creating an integrated software solution. Based on charter aviation workflow processes this transaction-based system integrates the multiple requirements of your organization, delivering real-time information that impacts your company’s immediate profit and loss. The end result is that the data that is generated for daily work actions is immediately captured and transformed into vital information and business intelligence.
Trip Requests – Trip requests go through various statuses within an organization, requiring different workflow processes. Trips that are requested require further sales activity to sell the trip, while trips that are accepted require aircraft fulfillment. Aviation Software eCharterConnect tracks each of these flows generating “todo” lists, as well as alerts to clearly mark workflow status. This ensures that all steps in the process are completed satisfactorily and that no actions have been missed. Aviation Software eCharterConnect also auto generates an audit trail of each action taken based on the Workflow.
121 Trips – For 121 trips, Aviation Software eCharterConnect provides a complete and separate workflow process allowing for all quotes, carrier bids and customer contracts to be automatically generated. The system even sends out automatic reminders to your customers and accounting department when payments are due.
Financial – Access to key financial information both from a transaction and profitability point of view is available, by customer, aircraft, operator and marketing campaign.
Trip Profitability – The selection of an aircraft, ground transportation and catering arrangements all have financial implications. Aviation Software eCharterConnect tracks these costs as well as FET and other miscellaneous expenses that impact your profitability. By tracking the price of the trip to the customer and continuously monitoring the trip expenses, Aviation Software eCharterConnect makes it possible for you to instantly view the profitability and viability of each transaction. Profitability information can be viewed by Trip, Operator, Tail, Customer, or by Marketing campaign.
Financial Transactions – Aviation Software eCharterConnect provides facilities for you Invoice and to track forms of payment for trips and actual payment dates. Trips not totally paid for are highlighted for immediate attention.
Aviation Software eCharterConnect offers two different online demonstrations
Aviation Software Online Web Booking – The online web booking demonstration can be immediately accessed from this site. This demo allows you to experience the same capabilities that would be placed on your website for your customers’ use.
The quoting calculations created in Aviation Software eCharterConnect can be configured in many ways with different mark-ups set for different aircraft as well as other quoting options that you can select .
This demo is set to provide you with quotes based on nearly 12,800 aircraft within the system, which display the price for each of the aircraft, types and category. The demo will quote any trip itinerary anywhere in the world and will include taxes for US and estimates for all international charges.
You can either create a new account to experience the process, or you can view limited results on this website; If you create a new account you can receive e-mail confirmations for your trip requests. Simply click on the Right icon Book a Trip to start.
Aviation Software Charter Management System (Back Office)– Includes Online Plane Locating, Transaction Processing and CRM – For a complete demonstration including quoting, aircraft fulfilment, work flow process and customer relationship management please call 415-358-0800 to schedule.