Monthly Archives: August 2014

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Nice Cote d Azur Leeds Bradford International
s Kts
r Nm
t Kts
One way
Plane information
Year of make 2011
Aircraft Length : h 33' 2
Cabin width 7' 8
Manufacturer> Dassault
Baggage Volume 127

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Cessna Citation Cj2
Until 02/14/25
Mc Clellan Palomar
Carlsbad, CA
United States
Jackson Hole
Jackson, WY
United States
Hawker-Beechcraft Hawker 400XP
Until 02/21/25
Destin Ft Walton Beach
Destin, AR
United States
Springdale Mun
Springdale, AR
United States
Hawker-Beechcraft Hawker 400XP
Until 02/13/25
Frederick Mun
Frederick, MD
United States
Logan Intl
Boston, MA
United States
Cessna Citation V
Until 02/15/25
Eagle Regl
Eagle, ON
United States
Toronto/Pearson Intl
Toronto, ON
Beechcraft Premier IA
Until 02/17/25
Richmond Intl
Richmond, VA
United States
Ft Lauderdale Hollywood Intl
Ft Lauderdale, FL
United States
Embraer Phenom 300
Until 02/16/25
Aspen Pitkin/Sardy
Aspen, CA
United States
Van Nuys
Van Nuys, CA
United States
Cessna Citation V
Until 02/14/25
Friedman Meml
Hailey, ID
United States
Portland Hillsboro
Portland, OR
United States
Cessna Citation V
Until 02/13/25
Bellingham Intl
Bellingham, ID
United States
Friedman Meml
Hailey, ID
United States

Organ Transplant Transportation

Organ Transplant Transportation The immediate nature of organ transplant transportation is becoming more and more difficult without the use of private jet charter or private helicopter transport. It is recommended that vital organs such as the heart should be transplanted within four hours of removal from the donor. Private jet rental for air ambulance is not only used for transportation of the organs themselves, but for for the transportation of doctors to and from critical locations. Cases such as these highly time sensitive situations including the transportation of injured persons, are greatly aided by the on-demand nature of private jet charter. For many consecutive years, has demonstrated reliable and expedited services in the most demanding and complex situations that have allowed us to earn the trust of thousands of clients. is the leading charter provider for industries that require immediate turn-time and specialized handling. Time sensitive deliveries of transportation such as these are almost impossible to transport simply by ground delivery. The variables brought on by potential traffic may cause the loss of life in these extreme circumstances where the organ in question cannot reach its intended destination on time. There is almost no reason to ever transport an organ by ground transportation unless the distance is under 100 miles. In terms of commercial airliners transporting these organs via commercial travel, the time lost in transportation and waiting times in total may exceed four hours, which would make it too late for the organ to be transplanted with a high success rate. Long lines at large airports with baggage checks and security checks are most certainly going to delay this priority organ. Even in terms of airspeed, A Boeing 767 only has a cruise speed of 529 mph, whereas

Air Share Programs vs Private Jet Charter

Air Share Programs vs Private Jet Charter Air share options offered by private jet charter companies have become a buzz-word since early this year again. These programs, which were more often called fractional ownership had become popular years ago, and were reintroduced under a new name to avoid the negativity surrounding the subject of fractional ownership. We have already disproved the viability of fractional ownership in this article here: Fractional Ownership vs. Charter of Private Jets. Now, for new customers and interested parties entering the market, air share programs are a program in which customers pay a fee based on the type of plane they would like to lease and then pay for a set number of hours. At a first glance, air share programs sell at an overall hourly rate slightly lower than traditional charter. And this is the reason air share programs have developed momentum recently. Let’s compare air share to traditional charter. With traditional charter, I am not locked to a certain aircraft type, and I can request any specific aircraft I wish. Whereas with an air share program, I am locked into an aircraft category. It remains up to the company offering said air share program to choose which aircraft are in which category. For example, a super mid sized jet would often be marketed as a large jet, meaning you would be paying a rate based on a large jet’s hourly rate, in this scenario, you, the customer would assume a large jet hourly rate is around $5,000 to $10,000. this said share carrier would offer a super mid sized jet which retails for $3,200 to $4,000 per hour, under the premise that this is a large jet, when it

Chartering vs First-Class | When is it more efficient to charter?

Chartering vs First-Class | When is it more efficient to charter? Lets start with the basics; while first-class remains as one of the most comfortable flying options in terms of commercial travel, first-class travel is entirely incomparable to private jet charter. With extended wait times and airport security and baggage claim, much time is lost simply getting to and from your aircraft. Now of course the level of luxury offered by private jet charter is on a whole different level than flying first-class in a commercial airliner. First-class has disadvantages such as the inability to choose where you sit and of course the lack of privacy due to flying with complete strangers. First-class catering is only slightly more appealing than the traditional meals served to economy and business class travelers. Now that we've covered the differences between first-class and private jet charter we can continue and calculate exactly when it is more efficient to charter an aircraft instead of paying first-class tickets. The first variable in this calculation is time, waiting times for commercial aircraft can take hours whereas the waiting time to get on board your chartered aircraft can be only a matter of minutes. Being able to remove hours from the total length of your trip means that it is not necessary for you to get to the airport as early as you would as a first-class traveler. This is the most important piece of this puzzle. The way aircraft charter works is that you pay for the entirety of the aircraft for the duration of your trip. Now in some situations where one passenger is flying in an entire chartered aircraft alone, the cost of chartering said aircraft is much higher than

Can i charter from any airport?

Can I charter from any airport? Private jet charter is known for its functionality and ability to fly out from nearly any airport you desire. Though the question remains, can I charter from any airport? In short, mostly yes, and sometimes no. Further inquiry into the subject tells us, first, we have to honor the runway lengths, so let’s take a look at that first. Smaller airports usually have shorter runaways, and larger, higher density airports tend to have much longer runways. International airports for example have many large wide-body aircraft such as Boeings and Airbuses landing per day. Aircrafts such as these tend to require enormous runways up to and sometimes exceeding 11,000 feet in length. Taking off from a runway, a Boeing 747 for example requires approximately 10,800 feet, while there are much smaller jets that can take off in 2,300 feet such as the Eclipse 500 VLJ (very light jet) while small turboprops can land in even shorter airfields. Next, let’s look at all of the airports in our database and see which are capable of meeting the demands for large jets, mid jets, light jets, and turboprops. Firstly, with a total of 15989 airports in our backend, that means all 15989 are available to piston aircraft. 12814 of which can accommodate most turboprops and some light jets 8762 can accommodate most mid jets and all light jets 5447 capable of accommodating most large jets and all mid jets And finally, 3077 airports capable of accommodating most wide-body airliners. That means, even if you plan to charter an airliner for a group of hundreds of people, there are over 3000 airports open to you. More conservatively, a traditional charter with a light or mid


ACMI provider. Under an ACMI -- or wet lease -- contract, customers receive a dedicated aircraft that is crewed, maintained and insured by AirCharter in exchange for agreed-upon rates and levels of operation, enabling customers to take advantage of our scale and efficiencies to expand their presence in the world’s cargo markets. By having Air Charter source you a dedicated aircraft – carrying your passengers or cargo on your schedules to your destinations – you can effectively grow your capacity and capitalize on the air transportation market – without taking on exposure to fluctuations in the value of owned aircraft or a long-term commitment related to crews and maintenance. At the same time, you’re able to focus on your core competencies and generate value for your customers. Under individually tailored ACMI leases, customers assume marketing and direct operating expenses, including fuel, cargo and landing fees.The benefits of our ACMI services are numerous: A variety of different aircraft types fleet that can carry your passenger or cargo for any industry, with new-generation aircraft models. High-quality capacity without significant investment. Flexibility to adjust for operations and market demand. Early access to new markets and growth. Seamless integration into your own cargo network. Guaranteed aircraft availability. ACMI (aircraft, crew, maintenance and insurance) If you are looking to try an aircraft out without buying, or if you need access to a private aircraft for a limited time, AirCharter's "Try Before You Buy" program may be the solution. This short term lease program is an alternative to buying or chartering. Jets can be leased for any duration of your choice - 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, or longer. The service can be useful in a variety of different situations, from those

How a Wet Lease Works

How a wet lease works - When is it better to charter? There are two very different ways of renting out aircraft flight time. The first method is traditional charter, this is what most trips and customers would fall in to. Charterting an aircraft allows you to have the aircraft for the minimum possible time for your trip, you will be billed an hourly rate for using the aircraft, in addition to fuel costs, and airport/crew fees. Meaning once your trip is over, the aircraft is no longer yours. For large multi-leg trips, one can charter an aircraft, or simply acquire a wet lease on the aircraft. Now for a large multi leg trip with gaps in arrival and departure dates,  traditional charter would mean that said aircraft would have to return to home base for maintenance and refueling, the aircraft would only be yours for the legs of your trips, meaning any sudden changes in itinerary, and the aircraft could already be thousands of miles away. But when one wet leases an aircraft, the aircraft and it’s crew are all yours for the duration of your trip, you will be billed for additional unexpected itinerary changes if the hourly/fuel consumption differs from the projected one, but the essential fact is, you are the temporary owner of the aircraft, meaning even if the aircraft owner him/herself requires the aircraft for some sort of emergency, they would have to wait until the duration of your wet lease ends. Lets look at 2 example trips and figure out which is better for wet lease, and which is better for traditional charter: Our first trip’s itinerary: New York -> London 9:00 AM Jan 1 London -> Paris 4:00

Turboprops vs Light Jets

Turboprops: Why so unpopular? When asked the difference between turboprops vs light jets, a handful of everyday non-aviation specialists stated that they don’t use jet engines, and instead use propellors, this is true, but when given a chance to elaborate, some silly notions were shared. Things such as low range and noisy, bumpy flights were the cornerstones of the conversation. Most everyday customers assume that turboprops are smaller, less comfortable than light jets, but this could not be farther from the truth. Modern day turboprops are just as comfortable as light jets, most seating around 6-8 passengers, exactly like a light jet. The interiors can be customised in every possible way a light jet’s interior can, and the onboard amenities such as TVs and satellite phones are also available in turboprops. Can you differentiate the light jet from the turboprop? As for cabin noise levels, modern day turboprops have been outfitted with resonance technology that essentially causes noise to cancels out the propeller noise almost entirely, to the point of being equal or less noise than most light jets. Aircraft engineers build a series of tuning forks that essentially resonate at the same frequency as the engines during flight, and even without this modern day technology, turboprops, just like any other aircraft, aren’t too loud while cruising and just happen to get loud during takeoff. As for the range concern, turboprops are in the same ballpark as light jets in terms of range, with a few exceptions of course, a traditional turboprop will fly for around 1,500 nautical miles, which is right in light jet territory. Though the turboprops maintain one game-winning lead on light jets, and that is the ability to take off and land on

One Way Guide: Empty leg or not to Empty Leg?

One Way Guide: A look at empty leg flights Frequent private jet charter fliers often fly one way trips. The question is: when is it applicable to request an empty leg? The way a traditional private jet charter works is very simple; chartering  private jet means you rent out the entirety of the aircraft for the entire duration of your trip. This means if a potential customer wishes to fly from new york to florida as a one way trip, said customer would pay for both legs of the trip, as the aircraft would essentially be returning empty, and the customer is responsible for all flight charges concerning his/her trip. Now if an empty leg came into the equation, and the customer had enough time beforehand to request an empty leg, he/she would only pay for the one trip from New York to Florida, the jet in question would already be positioned in New York and would need to return to it’s home base in Florida, where upkeep and maintenance would be done on the aircraft. Now if this is the case with private air charter, why isn’t everyone constantly flying uniquely in empty legs? Well, firstly, the amount of empty legs available are never enough to keep up with the demand. A great deal of customers fly round trips instead of one ways, and very few empty legs are left over. Customers whop are flying one ways and paying for the entirety of the trip own said aircraft for the return leg, and lacks the ability to sell this empty leg to someone of his choosing. Only airplane owners and operators are approved to rent private jets to customers. The way that modern day empty